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Delete an element from an array in PHP

Securing PHP Page Access

You can delete an element from an array in PHP using several array manipulation functions. The approach you choose depends on whether you want to preserve the keys or re-index the array after deletion. Here are a few methods to delete elements from an array in PHP:

1. Using `unset()` to remove a specific element by key:
$originalArray = array(‘apple’, ‘banana’, ‘cherry’, ‘date’);

// Remove the element at a specific key (e.g., ‘banana’)
$keyToRemove = 1;
if (isset($originalArray[$keyToRemove])) {

2. Using `array_splice()` to remove elements by specifying the index and number of elements to remove:
$originalArray = array(‘apple’, ‘banana’, ‘cherry’, ‘date’);

// Remove the element at index 1 (e.g., ‘banana’)
$indexToRemove = 1;
array_splice($originalArray, $indexToRemove, 1);

3. Using `array_filter()` to remove elements based on a condition:
$originalArray = array(‘apple’, ‘banana’, ‘cherry’, ‘date’);

// Remove elements that match a specific condition (e.g., remove ‘banana’)
$filteredArray = array_filter($originalArray, function($value) {
return $value !== ‘banana’;

4. Using `array_diff()` to remove specific elements by providing a list of elements to remove:
$originalArray = array(‘apple’, ‘banana’, ‘cherry’, ‘date’);

// Remove specific elements from the array (e.g., remove ‘banana’ and ‘date’)
$elementsToRemove = array(‘banana’, ‘date’);
$filteredArray = array_diff($originalArray, $elementsToRemove);

Remember that all these methods create a new array without the removed elements, leaving the original array unchanged. If you want to modify the original array, use the appropriate method and assign the result back to it.

For example:
// Modifying the original array using unset()

// Modifying the original array using array_splice()
array_splice($originalArray, $indexToRemove, 1);

// Modifying the original array using array_filter()
$originalArray = array_filter($originalArray, function($value) {
return $value !== ‘banana’;

// Modifying the original array using array_diff()
$originalArray = array_diff($originalArray, $elementsToRemove);

Choose the method that best suits your requirements and makes your code more readable and maintainable.

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