Top 12 freelance websites in 2018

Hey, what’s up guys today we are going to talk about top 12 freelance websites in 2018.

So if you’re looking for another way to pay the bills seeking more professional development opportunities or just love the freedom that freelancing offers there is no question that millions of people have discovered the benefits of professional freelancing as trends like the digital nomad lifestyle grew in popularity.

The number of freelance resources out there has increased as well there are plenty of guides for striking out on your own but as a freelancer getting higher paying gigs isn’t just the better of signing up on a popular platforms you will have to branch out establish a great portfolio of password and maybe even prove yourself through tests that showcase your skills.

Here’s a list of the top 12 freelance websites in 2018 to find work as a freelancer.

Now before starting I just wanted to clarify that this blog is just for the introduction of freelance platforms if you want to go deeper into each platform then check out each website links.

  1. Upwork with over 1.5 million clients up world known as oDesk offer something for every type of freelancer it accommodates both short and long-term projects hourly or per project work and expert level and entry level engagements. we got less of where you are in your career up work is likely to have something for you.
Top 12 freelance websites in 2018.

2. Toptal with a distinctly different approach than the other services on this list toptal is for seasoned talented freelancers passing toptal screening process gives you unparalleled meaningful projects with great clients and fair compensation. you will also be able to join the toptal community for frequent meetups and tech events.

Top 12 freelance websites in 2018.

3. Freelancer unlike most other platforms in addition to offering millions of projects freelancer allows you to compete with other freelancers in contests to prove your skills if you are competitive and confident in your expertise it’s a great way to show your abilities and attract more clients.

Top 12 freelance websites in 2018.

4. Craigslist although most people see Craigslist as just a platform for buying and selling miscellaneous things it’s actually a great source of freelance jobs you can easily browse for local offerings if you prefer something in the office or you can search by major cities if you prefer working remotely.

Top 12 freelance websites in 2018.

5. Guru, this site lets you easily showcase your past work experience and offers a daily job matching feature to make sure you don’t miss out any good opportunities the guru work room lets you easily manage all your work.

Top 12 freelance websites in 2018.

6. 99designs a platform for freelancer designers 99designs lets you compete in design contests and get feedback as clients to choose the best ones it’s a great way for talented designers to prove their talent.

Top 12 freelance websites in 2018.

7. peopleperhour this is a great platform focusing on freelancing for web projects if you are a designer web developer SEO specialist etc peopleperhour is definitely worth checking out.

Top 12 freelance websites in 2018.

8. freelancewritinggigs, whether you are a writer, editor, blogger, publisher or any combination of those freelancewritinggigs, is a great option for a freelancer who has a way with words.

Top 12 freelance websites in 2018.

9. Fiverr  is the world’s largest freelance services marketplace for lean entrepreneurs to focus. Find services based on your goals and deadlines, it’s that simple. more you work with the site to create unique content engage audiences and for more your talents.

Top 12 freelance websites in 2018.

10. collegerecruiter as the name might suggest college recruiter is for college students or recent graduates looking for freelance jobs of any type in addition to being a source for part-time work it can be a great way to jumpstart your career.

Top 12 freelance websites in 2018.

11. Simplyhired  with a wider range than most other platforms offer simply hire is perfect for everyone from sales people to construction workers it includes a blog with hiring tips a company directory and a location-based search whether you are a programmer designer expert college student or something in between there is the freelance platform out there for you

Top 12 freelance websites in 2018.

12. Ifreelance this platform accommodates some of the usual suspects of the freelancing world but also features freelance marketers as well, unlike other sites ifreelance lets you keep 100% of your earnings.

Top 12 freelance websites in 2018.

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